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New Year, New You! 1-Day Workshop w/ Lexy Tomaino

  • Kaia Yoga 112 W Boston Post Road mamaroneck (map)

Ayurveda translates to “the science of life” and offers a holistic approach to living. Ayurveda counsels that understanding a person’s “dosha”, a type of bodily humor, can empower that person to adopt dosha-specific health practices that can lead to balance and well-being.

Take the workshop to understand your unique Ayurvedic Dosha or add the cleanse to live for one week incorporating these specific health practices for your Dosha

DATE: Sunday 1/22/23

TIME: 6PM-7:30PM AYURVEDIC DOSHA WORKSHOP in person MAMARONECK or virtual . This is stand alone.

COST : $45

Also consider the full week long program for $180
See website for full details.

January 22

Arm Balance Workshop: Learning to Fly with Niccole Guarino

January 29

Level 2 Usui Reiki Training with Brianne Barrett