Taking the Reiki level 2 training will expand and intensely deepen your healing possibilities. The Reiki level 2 will broaden students' range of healing to work beyond themselves and with others. Reiki level 2 has an attunement process similar to the level 1 training with focus on opening the heart in order to channel Spirit or Universal energy in the work with others. An additional tool is given during the Reiki level 2 training of beginning to work with the Reiki symbols. Reiki symbols assist in directing energy with a more focused intent. With the Reiki level two training, trainees are taught how to send Reiki over distance in addition to working with people they are directly in contact with. This training will include practice hours with fellow trainees and to obtain full certification in level 2 Usui Reiki, trainees will need to complete 2 additional hours of practice homework.
Date: January 29th, 2023
Time: 9am-5pm
Location: Westport
Price: Early Bird $325/375 after Janurary 15th
Take level 1 & 2 for a discounted price $475 early bird /525 late (email programs@kaiayoga.com for this option)