
Welcome to our Kula

What does Kula mean? Kula is a Sanskrit word that can be translated as “community,” “clan” or “tribe.” It is a term used within yoga to highlight the sense of community that is developed by those who come together to practice. In likening the yoga community to family, the term kula denotes the inclusivity and sense of belonging that is often cultivated through yoga. Generally, this suggests a welcoming, open-minded, and accepting community of practitioners. Here at Kaia, the community goes beyond your yoga mat. You will find support groups for all different interests for yoga and beyond.

Kaia Yoga is about community, we offer fundraising and events to support local charities. See below for our current offerings.

Life more pure


Groups & Gatherings

Meditation & Dharma

New & Expecting Parents

Kaia Yoga Classes

Community Classes & Donation Events

Soul Circle

Refugee Recovery

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