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New Year, New You! (7-Day Dosha Cleanse w/ Lexy Tomaino)

Understand Your Dosha & Cleanse Yourself

Ayurveda translates to “the science of life” and offers a holistic approach to living. Ayurveda counsels that understanding a person’s “dosha”, a type of bodily humor, can empower that person to adopt dosha-specific health practices that can lead to balance and well-being.

This cleanse will begin with an Ayurvedic Dosha workshop* to understand your unique Dosha and provide information on how to live for one week incorporating these specific health practices for your Dosha.

Doshas are the three energies that define every person's makeup. Knowing your dosha can help you live a healthier, more balanced life.

The Dosha workshop can be taken as a part of the weeklong cleanse or by itself.

Register separately if only taking the workshop. Cost $45.

Cleanse Program Cost: $180 

If you can not attend the live virtual on January 22nd, the recording will be sent to you.

January 14

Sanskrit Studies with Manorama

January 22

Arm Balance Workshop: Learning to Fly with Niccole Guarino