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Full Moon Yin, Nidra, & Sound Healing with Toni McGovern

  • Kaia Yoga Downtown Wallingford 220 North Colony Road Wallingford, CT, 06492 United States (map)

Relax, find balance, and connect with the full moon’s energy.

A transformative 12-month Yoga Nidra program designed to guide participants on a mindful journey of self-awareness and relaxation. Integrating themes, the energy of the full moon, and intentional practices, this program invites students to cultivate inner balance, reduce stress, and nurture a deeper-connection to themselves and the natural cycles around them.

Central to each session is a Yoga Nidra practice or guided meditation crafted to deepen relaxation. 

Frequency: Monthly sessions, scheduled to align with key phases of the moon

Location: Kaia Yoga Downtown Wallingford

Investment: $45


  1. Each month introduces a unique theme that serves as the focal point for the session. Themes are carefully chosen to reflect seasonal transitions, inner growth, and universal concepts such as gratitude, renewal, and compassion.

  2. Central to each session is a Yoga Nidra practice or guided meditation crafted to deepen relaxation and integrate the month's theme.

  3. Sessions are aligned with the phases of the moon, emphasizing the symbolism and energy of each phase.

  4. Each session will incorporate a meaningful quotation aligned with the theme, offering participants a point of reflection and inspiration to carry into their daily

Monthly Topics

January: Manifest Your Heart's Desire: Set clear and heartfelt goals for the year.

February: Self-Love and Acceptance: Embrace yourself fully and deepen self-compassion

March: Rebirth and Renew: Shed the old and welcome transformation.

April: Awakening: Open to new insights and inner awareness.

May Celebrate Mother: Honor the nurturing and creative energy within and around you.

June: Celebrate Father: Recognize strength, guidance, and support.

July: Unleash Your Hreedom: Break tree trom limitations and live authenticalv

August: Chakras: Balance and energize the body's energy centers.

September: Harvest Moon: Reflect on and celebrate your accomplishments.

October: Awareness: Cultivate mindfulness and clarity.

November: Thankfulness: foster gratitude for life's blessings.

December: Rejoice: celebrate the joys of life and the closing year.

April 6

Yoga Nidra, Energy, and Sound Healing with Nicole Kim

April 27

Yoga Nidra, Energy and Sound Healing w/ Nicole Kim